Strength TogetHER 15 - Session 6

September 25, 2021

“It is time that we all took a stand against Harassment”.

To explore different points of view, views, insights, experiences, and tales, 'Strength TogetHER,' a girls-only peer-to-peer self-development group supervised by 'Lokopakar,' an organization that supports youth development via a variety of programs, was founded. This virtual platform promotes girls of all mindsets and backgrounds to grow as individuals by offering a secure area for them to simply be themselves.

After the success of our fifth session, we convened our sixth session via Zoom on September 25th, with all the excitement, enthusiasm, and apprehension that comes with it. The "SEXUAL HARRASMENT" session started at 5:00 p.m. and finished about 6:30 p.m.

With about 20 attendees and four speakers, it was a really enjoyable and productive session. We felt protected and secure under the moderation of Sadikshya Maharjan, who is currently pursuing BA.LLB in her final year at National Law College. She aspires to be a part of the change. She aspires to help everyone and bring legal literacy in the world of silence.

We started our session with a kind greeting and a bright smile. Without further ado, we began calling the speakers to request that they share their harassment-related stories.

  • Our first speaker told us about how she was harassed online and how she dealt with it. She was initially unknown, but later on, she began to feel uneasy, which she shared with her family, and she eventually blocked it from all sources, allowing her to feel more at ease.

  • Our second speaker described how she felt uneasy on a public bus when someone close to her purposefully touched her. And she now regrets her lack of reaction at the time. However, she is pleased that she is courageous enough to confront such issues because she is aware of them.

  • Our third speaker told us about a time when she was uncomfortable with her own uncle. When she was confronted with it, she was a child. She didn't comprehend what was going on with her at first, but as she grew older, she became aware of it and discussed it with her family, and she still has doubts about him.

  • Our fourth speaker had a similar incident that was so terrifying that she didn't go outside for a month, but she eventually got over it and is now brave enough to stand up for herself and the others around her.

Throughout all of these hearings, our moderator shared some of her personal experiences with us, which inspired everyone who attended. Our moderator stated a few things that inspired us, and they are as follows:

  • We are not the victims of our story. We are a survivor who is igniting the globe with our truth. And we never know who might be in need of our light, warmth, and ferocious courage.

  • We must convey a message around the world that being a victim of sexual violence is not a disgrace.

  • Never allow yourself to be bullied into silence. Allowing oneself to be a victim is never a good idea.

This session provided an excellent opportunity for everyone to learn and unlearn new concepts. We were all thrilled to be a part of such a wonderful family with such inspiring young ladies!!!

At the end of an hour-long session, we took a picture to remember our time together. With a smile on our faces, we finished our session. I'm excited to hear more!!!

This blog is written by Dipa Yadav, the proud coordinator of Cohort 15, an eager learner who appreciates sharing her experiences and believes in the concept of Strength in Togetherness’.

Written by- Dipa Yadav (Cohort Coordinator)


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